Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Storybook Dream Studio

Last week, Jennifer Bertman inspired me to explore writers' and artists' creative spaces.  It was so much fun, I thought I'd post my personal dream cottage to inspire and amuse.

Gwyndolyn cottage from Storybook Homes
After I'd imagined my ideal space, I found architects Samuel Hackwell and Andrew Perkins had the same ideas.
I am now the proud owner of a Storybook Homes preview book, as well as the perfect site for my studio.  Someday it will sit atop a long, sloping area of green.  There are turkeys, bears, deer, squirrels, and plenty of cats about.  An ideal situation for a creative space, don't you think?

Home of Jill Brinson with a perfect library loft
The Gwyndolyn has a full second story, but I don't think mine will need more than a loft.  Designer Jill Brinson's home is a perfect vision, matching my ideal dream-studio interior.  It would house plenty of books and admit plenty of light.

Josh Keyes in his studio

Of course, I'm sure it will end up looking more like the interior of Josh Keyes's studio space: stuffed with books, equipment, supplies, inspiration.  It's obviously a work place, not a showplace. That's OK, because I can't function in a stark environment.

You can see more inspiring places on my Pinterest boards.

Hey, we can dream!

What does your ideal studio look like?


  1. So cool! Love the little nooks and crannies. The library loft would be awesome.

  2. I originally imagined a spiral stair to the loft, but one of our college studios had one. It was much too narrow to navigate with large art papers! Thanks for following.


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