Friday, March 14, 2014

PPBF: Sweet Dream Pie

Celebrate National Pi Day with today's Perfect Picture Book Friday pick

Sweet Dream Pie, by Audrey Wood and Mark Teague
Sweet Dream Pie
Written by Audrey Wood
Illustrated by Mark Teague
  • Scholastic, 1998
  • Ages 4 - 9; level 4.6
word count 1040

Fantasy / Tall-tale, Cooking, Dreams

It was almost dawn on Willobee St. when Pa Brindle lit the lantern and led Ma Brindle up to their dark attic, to an old trunk draped in cobwebs.
"I haven't slept a wink tonight," Pa said. "I've been craving a piece of sweet dream pie, just like the one you made me long ago."


When Pa Brindle gets a hankerin' for Ma Brindle's magical Sweet Dream pie, it's the whole town that faces the consequences. All day long, the residents in town smell and feel the effects of the magic working. The unfortunate side-effect of over-eating is more than a stomach-ache in this case, and it is Ma Brindle who has to spend the night chasing the monsters conjured up by the neighbors' not-so-sweet dreams.

What I Love:
If you love Audrey Wood, you'll love the silly plot she cooks up in Sweet Dream Pie. The secret pie ingredients include gum drops and chocolate, so it can't be all bad. Eaten in moderation, Ma Brindle's recipe  guarantees a pleasant slumber. But who can resist just one more piece. This book is guaranteed to have young readers giggling, and it just might help them deal with bad dreams of their own. I can see it becoming a bedtime ritual for little ones with over-active imaginations.
Mark Teague delivers his usual hilarity with the kooky characters populating Willobee Street, and his clever stories within a story.

1. Celebrate in style with the Exploratorium, the museum that started it all. 26 years ago Larry Shaw began the Pi Day celebration on 3.14, and today they have a host of activities and links to share your mathematical enthusiasm. Take note that next year will be 3.1415!
2. Eat a piece of Dream Pie with this chocolaty recipe from Kraft.
3. I couldn't resist including these super-sweet cupcakes inspired by the book, from SweetTreatsBySusan.
4. Here's a cute Play-Doh activity from 3Dinosaurs.
5. For older readers, pick up a copy of Pie, by Sarah Weeks. It's one of my favorite books for 8 to 12 year-olds.
6. Look for these other related Perfect Picture Books at your local library.
Posted by GradeOneDerful
Posted by ThisKidReviewsBooks

Another Wood book,
Posted by StoryPatch

Also posted by Erik,
at ThisKidReviewsBooks

Posted by FloweringMinds
Check out all the recommended titles for Perfect Picture Book Friday
for March 14, 2014, available on Susanna Leonard Hill's excellent blog.


  1. This book looks terrific, Joanne! And I love all your activities, and especially how you pictured the covers of related PPBs to go with it! Wonderful! Thanks so much for adding this one to our list... Sweet Dream Pie looks right up my alley and it's a perfect pick for Pi day :)

    1. Thanks for your enthusiasm, and thanks for the help with my link. I'll be more careful in the future.

  2. I think there is some serendipity going on here! Ms Wood keeps popping up in my dreams. I'm seeing her books everywhere! Napping House, Jubal's Wish. We just checked out several from the library. But not this one. It looks super! And what a great pairing with Mr Teague! Thanks for sharing this one!


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